Embraer delivers first C-390 Millennium airlifter to Hungarian Air Force

Defense C 390
Embraer Defense & Security

Embraer, the Brazilian aerospace company, has delivered the first C-390 Millennium multi-mission aircraft to the Hungarian Air Force.  

The Hungarian C-390 complies with NATO requirements, ensuring it can seamlessly operate alongside other NATO forces. The aircraft is the first in the world to be equipped with a roll-on/roll-off Intensive Care Unit (ICU), which enhances its capability for humanitarian and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) missions.  

“The arrival of this aircraft represents a real milestone for the Hungarian Air Force as it will give the Hungarian Defence Forces unprecedented capabilities in military air transport”, said Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, Minister of Defence of Hungary. “It is in Hungary’s security interest to have strong, well-equipped, modern defense forces, and we are working on that. Embraer is an excellent partner in this.” 

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The Embraer C-390 Millennium is a tactical transport aircraft, designed for a diverse array of missions. Its capabilities span from medical evacuations to search and rescue missions and troop and cargo transport. It can even be customized for specialized tasks such as aerial refueling (KC-390) and waterbombing. Equipped with Pratt and Whitney V2500-E5 engines, it boasts a robust cargo capacity of 26 tons.   

According to Embraer, since its operational debut with the Brazilian and Portuguese Air Forces, the aircraft demonstrated a mission-capable rate of 93% and a mission-completion rate exceeding 99%.  

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