Australia accuses China of attacking its plane with a laser The Australian Department of Defence accused China of unprofessional and unsafe conduct, alleging that a People’s Liberation Army-Navy… ByValius VenckunasFebruary 21, 2022
Fact check: Belarus captured a mysterious drone. Who built it? On February 3, 2021, Ukraine’s ambassador to Belarus, Igor Kizim, was summoned to the Belarusian foreign ministry and… ByValius VenckunasFebruary 20, 2022
C-130 on floats: Can we expect a seaplane renaissance? The idea of converting the Lockheed C-130 Hercules into a seaplane is almost as old as the aircraft… ByValius VenckunasDecember 23, 2021
Will space be the next battlefield? In recent years, a number of major world powers have stepped up their military uses of space. While… ByClément CharpentreauDecember 23, 2021
Gaze tracking: military instructors take a fresh look at pilot training During a flight, pilots must process an enormous amount of information and act accordingly. They have to be… ByClément CharpentreauDecember 22, 2021
Spanish customs helicopter crashes in drug traffickers chase On the night between July 11 and 12, 2021, a patroller of the Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera, the… ByClément CharpentreauJuly 12, 2021
Satellite hunters: a brief history of anti-space fighter jets Through the last century, fighter aircraft evolved towards multifunctionality – an ability to engage vaster and vaster arrays… ByValius VenckunasJune 6, 2021
What is left of the Russian flying saucer? | EKIP Part 3 EKIP was a project to develop an aircraft with some wondrous properties: a saucer-like flying wing that would… ByValius VenckunasMarch 20, 2021
French helicopter collision due to poor communication, report finds Thirteen French soldiers died in the collision of two helicopters in Mali on November 25, 2019. The two… ByClément CharpentreauFebruary 1, 2021
Kawasaki P-1 excluded from German submarine hunter tender Forced to retire its aging maritime patrol aircraft ten years before it can develop a new one with… ByClément CharpentreauSeptember 9, 2020
Japan naval aviation on the hunt for Chinese submarines Following reports of a foreign submarine cruising near the Satsunan Islands, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force deployed two… ByClément CharpentreauJune 22, 2020
Top 5 Phenomenal Robots in the Aviation Have you ever felt lost at the airport? Or desperately searched for an information desk? It is always… ByKristina KirkliauskaiteJune 22, 2020
French state unlocks €15 billion to support aerospace sector The French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, announced a massive support plan for the country’s… ByClément CharpentreauJune 9, 2020
French helicopter collision in Mali: what we know so far While engaged in a combat operation in Mali, a Cougar transport helicopter and a Tiger attack helicopter from… ByClément CharpentreauNovember 27, 2019
Boeing 737 NG to be inspected after structural cracks found The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) asked operators of certain Boeing 737 NGs to conduct safety inspections after structural… ByClément CharpentreauSeptember 30, 2019
Water bombers scramble to fight the Amazon forest fires The Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro authorized two C-130 Hercules of the Brazilian Air Force to participate in fighting… ByClément CharpentreauAugust 27, 2019
French waterbomber crashes during forest fire, one pilot dead A Grumman S2F Tracker of the French Civil Security crashed near Générac, France, during an intervention on forest… ByClément CharpentreauAugust 5, 2019
US Navy claims it shot down Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz While it was about to transit through the Strait of Hormuz, the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer shot down… ByClément CharpentreauJuly 19, 2019