Virgin Galactic and ENAC to explore spaceflights from Italian spaceport

Virgin Galactic VMS Eve

Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic and Italy’s Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) have signed an agreement to study the feasibility of launching spaceflights from Grottaglie Spaceport in Southern Italy.

The study will assess the spaceport’s airspace, infrastructure, and regulatory compatibility with US standards, as well as the economic and workforce impact of suborbital spaceflights. Phase one, set to conclude in 2025, will focus on technical and logistical requirements, while phase two will explore regional benefits, including economic stimulation and job creation.

“We are excited to work with Virgin Galactic and demonstrate how Grottaglie Spaceport can provide infrastructure, high level skills and specialized services necessary for suborbital flights,” said Antonio Maria Vasile, President of Aeroporti diPuglia, the site operator.

Grottaglie, designated as Italy’s first commercial spaceport in 2018, recently received €70 million for infrastructure improvements.

Virgin Galactic expects to resume flight tests at some point in 2026 with the new Delta spaceships, starting from its Spaceport America facility in New Mexico.

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