Passenger shows ‘free’ movie on plane via a screen projector on overhead bins

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Fer Gregory / / TSA Instagram

Magazines, novels and electronic tablets — these are just some of the things that passengers bring on board to entertain themselves on long flights.

But one passenger took the entertainment to another level by packing a screen projector and playing a movie using the surface of overhead bins.

Though the flight details are unknown, the DIY movie night experience was documented by a fellow passenger on the flight, Douglas Lazickirk. Lazickirk originally uploaded the video clip to Instagram but has since deleted it. 

The Transport Security Administration (TSA), however, has reposted the video clip.

Image: TSA Instagram account

The clip shows ‘The Patriot’, a 2000 film set during the American Revolution and starring Mel Gibson,  playing clearly on the aircraft’s overhead bins.

In a now-deleted comment, Lazickirk said that the passenger did not play the movie with sound, but turned the subtitles on.

The passenger earned mixed reactions from viewers with some considering them a “hero”, especially when Lazickirk mentioned in the comments that no individual entertainment screens were available on the flight.

Some comments said that the passenger could have chosen a more family-friendly movie to play given that ‘The Patriot’ is a war film.

The TSA used the post to remind passengers about electronic devices that are allowed as carry-on, saying that any device larger than a mobile phone should be placed in a separate tray when going through a security check.