Embraer announces sale of six A-29 Super Tucano at Farnborough

A-29 Super Tucano

A-29 Super Tucano / Embraer

Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer announced the sale of six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to the Paraguayan Air Force (FAP). 

The sale was announced on the second day of the Farnborough International Airshow 2024. 

The A-29 Super Tucano can be used for various missions such as armed reconnaissance, close air support, air patrol, light attack, air interdiction, border surveillance, and advanced training missions. 

“To face emerging threats, we are in the process of modernizing our aerial and detection capabilities, and we intend to be up to the technological standards that allow us to correctly apply the measures established in the Law on Surveillance and Protection of Paraguayan Airspace in a to effectively contribute to the preservation of regional and international peace and security,” said Air General Júlio Rubén Fullaondo Céspedes, Commander of the Paraguayan Air Force, in a press release. 

The A-29 Super Tucano is a multi-mission aircraft, equipped with technology for precise target identification, weapon systems, and communications suite. The aircraft can operate from unpaved runways, in harsh environments or in tough conditions with limited infrastructure.  

The A-29 Super Tucano deliveries are scheduled from 2025 and will include mission equipment and an integrated logistics services agreement.  

So far, the A-29 Super Tucano has received more than 260 orders and has accumulated over 550,000 flight hours, including 60,000 hours in combat.  

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