Predictions and Developments for Aviation Industry in 2020

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Aviation is also known as air transport. All the activities that are surrounded around the mechanical flight and aircraft industry come into aviation or air transport. The concept of aviation came in 2018 with the creation of the hot air balloon. After that lots of advancements and developments have done in the aviation industry. To maintain the separation between aircraft, we use ATC (Air Traffic Control). The aviation industry is also facing lots of problems. Here, we will discuss predictions and developments for the aviation industry in 2020.

The World’s Market Will Change:

In 2020, China is working on becoming the world’s largest air passenger market. India is also working on it. Both will prepare their plans and they try to execute their plans. After executing their plans, the world’s air passenger market will change. It is expected that till 2025, China will be the largest air passengers’ market in the world and India will also jump from 7th position to the 3rd position. In 2019, the total number of air passengers was only 4bn. In 2020, the number of air passengers was increased to 5bn. In 2025, the total number of air passengers will be increased up to 8bn.

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Electric Planes Will Fly:

In 2020, aircraft companies will also work on the creation of electric planes. For this reason, some aircraft companies have got certificates from the concerned authorities. Now, it is expected that in the next three years, these companies will introduce 100% electric planes at the commercial level.

Biometrics Will Be Huge:

As we know that biometrics is changing our airport experience. In 2020, the airport authorities will also work on the expansion of the biometrics systems at the airports. There is a possibility that face recognition technology will be introduced at the airports and our face will become the single token to travel from one end to another end.

They Work On Supersonic:

Lots of aircraft companies are eyeing on entering into the supersonic space. Therefore, there is a possibility that until 2030, supersonic will become a possibility. According to a research by The Academic Papers UK, in 2020, we will observe lots of supersonic designs on the tables of the aircraft companies. It means that these companies will start work on supersonic in 2020. The tickets of these aircraft will be expensive for the common people. Anyhow, businessmen and politicians will like these crafts and they try to travel in these crafts.

We Shall Fly Longer:

In 2020, aircraft companies will also work on the longest flights. Its reason is that due to the shortest flights, the aircraft has to land at different places for refuelling. As a result, passengers have to wait for several hours. With the introduction of the longest flights in the aircraft, it will be easy for the people to move from one distant place to another distant place just within few hours.

Cabins Will Embrace:

In 2020, the aircraft companies are working on the connection of the aircraft and satellite technology. By connecting aircraft and satellite technology, we will be able to provide Wi-Fi connections to all the cabins. This kind of technology will be available for the passengers free of cost. By providing this technology to the passengers, the aircraft companies will be able to make the journey more comfortable.

There Will Be No More First Class:

Nowadays, most of the aircraft companies are working on removing the first-class seats from their plans. After removing these first-class seats, they will try to replace these seats with more comfortable business class seats. Its reason is that while travelling at the first-class seats, passengers have to face lots of problems. Moreover, some people are travelling in the business class seats and some are travelling at the first-class seats. This thing is also creating discrimination. By providing the same business class facilities and seats to all the passengers, we will be able to get rid of this kind of discrimination in the planes.

Boeing Will Only Make One New Plane:

Boeing is known as the most famous company in the aircraft industry. There is a possibility that Boeing will launch only one plane in 2020. Its reason is that this company is not in the position in launching more than one planes. Boeing 737 is known as the biggest selling product of this company and there is a possibility that this company will work on the up-gradation of these aircraft. That’s why this company is not focusing on the creation of the new aircraft. After upgrading its products, Boeing will again emerge in the aircraft industry and it will challenge the industry with its new products.